An episiotomy is a surgical cut made at the opening of the vagina during childbirth. Around 1 in 7 deliveries in England involves an episiotomy. Sometimes a woman’s perineum may…
A vacuum delivery (or ventouse) is when a suction cup is attached to the babies head and with help from the mothers contraction the healthcare practitioner will help to pull…
A forceps delivery is a type of assisted delivery and will be only be used when labour is failing to progress. It involves the use of forceps which are used…
A vaginal delivery is when the birth of the baby occurs through the birth canal and vagina and is the most common method of childbirth worldwide. Symptoms associated with…
A caesarean delivery is a birth that occurs through an incision in the abdominal wall and uterus rather than through the vagina. According to new research from the World Health Organization (WHO),…