The best Yoga and Pilates mats available

Here are our top 5 Yoga / Pilates mats and what we love about them….


A few tips before we begin:

  • Don’t buy mats that are less than 6mm in thickness.
  • If you are using the mat for Pilates type workouts then aim for a mat that is above 8mm in thickness.
  • Yoga mats can be thinner as there tends to be a lot less kneeling.
  • If you have any pains in your knees, hips, wrists (i.e. bursitis / patello-femoral pain, carpal tunnel syndrome) then opt for a thicker mat (10mm+)


Core balance Mats

What we love about them:

  • Core balance are a UK based company with a good reputation and long history behind them.
  • Different thicknesses are available but THIS 10mm one we think should suit everyone because it provides a lot of cushioning.
  • They are one of the cheaper mats on the market, you can get one for as little as £12.99 here, this one is just a little thinner.
  • It comes in 5 different colours which are all plain (we have found that the patterned mats can look worn a lot quicker than plain).
  • The mats all come with a carry strap so can be used when you are travelling.
  • It’s really reasonably priced considering the quality of the mat!

Best feature:

  • Quality


Meglio Mats

What we love about them:

  • Slightly thinner than the core balance mat but at 8mm you’ll still feel enough cushioning, have a look at the design here.
  • You might recognise the name Meglio as they supply (our much loved) NHS with fitness equipment.
  • Comes with a free shoulder carry-strap meaning it can be rolled up into a compact size and carried on the go to your yoga or fitness workout classes or suitable for hanging and storing.
  • Meglio started life supplying Physiotherapists with their much needed equipment, working with healthcare professionals to provide just what they need (we have used them in our clinics also)!
  • The company are a large supplier of fitness equipment so it’s good to see that they are certifiably a ‘green’ company as awarded by the International Standards Organization.

Best feature:

  • Cost remains low


Kaizenly mats

What we love about them:

  • There’s not a lot to not love about these mats (if you love the planet as much as us). They are double-layered and made of natural cork and closed-cell recyclable TPE.
  • The lines on the mat help with your alignment when doing your workouts.
  • The mat works really well in hot / sweaty environments (remains non-slip) and it doesn’t stick to your skin like some of the others (we’ve been there).
  • The mat is just 5mm in thickness but the materials it is made of help to make it more comfortable than others of a similar thickness.
  • Like many of the others, this mat too comes with a carry strap making it easy to transport, hang and travel with you.
  • The company are a member of ‘1% for the planet’.

Best feature:

  • Good for the environment


Yoga Bliss mats

What we love about them:

  • This is a small, family-run business from the UK that has been running 16+ years.
  • Yoga Bliss stock lots of different types of mats to suit your individual needs (it’s not always one size fits all).
  • Their website is brilliant for information on the different types of mats and what they all do!
  • Yoga Bliss also sell carry bags and straps which are really beautiful (not to mention practical as some have an inbuilt blanket also).
  • They also sell the most beautiful products related to yoga but that include candles, blankets and workout gear. Check them out here (there’s no way you’ll leave their site without buying something)!

Best feature:

  • Variety available


JLL mats

What we love about them:

  • If it’s thickness that you’re after then these are the mats for you! These are one of the only 15mm workout mats available (thick enough for camping).
  • They come in lots of different colours, take a look here.
  • They have an antibacterial finish, are easy to Clean and durable.
  • They don’t come with a pattern so won’t look ‘worn’ quickly like some other mats.
  • JLL are a UK based company that have been going for 10 years and supply a lot of equipment to gyms, so they know their audience.

Best feature:

  • Thickness




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Our blog authors will usually include links to relevant products they feel could be useful to the readers. While all products are chosen independently, we want you to know that Pain in the Bump may receive a percentage payment if you make a purchase at the retailer’s site within 24 hours of clicking on one of the links we provide. This does not affect the price you pay, we just get a small percentage of the purchase amount. This helps to keep our website up and running.

Please Note:
Although the posts on this site are written by fully qualified Physiotherapists, the advice is of a generalist nature and could not take into account the particular physical or medical condition of individual audience members. The information given is meant to be practical and informative but is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. The information available is not meant to replace any relationship that exists between an audience member and their GP, hospital specialist or other healthcare professional. If you are after individual advice or you are concerned about any of your symptoms you must consult your own therapist or healthcare provider.
